senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! I found the following interesting. They are excerpts from "108 Adages of Wisdom." I just like the way they are worded.
Our needs are few, our wants are many.
Do your utmost, no matter who gains or loses.

Compassion has no enemies; wisdom no vexations.

The busiest have the most time; the diligent the best health.

The charitable are blessed; the virtuous happy.

Let the measure of your heart be great; the size of your ago small.

When you can let it go, then you can pick it up. At ease letting it go or picking it up - then you are truly free.

The four contentments: Mind at peace, Body at rest, Family in harmony, All enterprise at ease.

The four steps in dealing with any problem: Face it, Accept it, Deal with it, Let it go.

With gratitude we grow; repayment of kindness leads to success.
Be thankful at every opportunity: good and bad fortune are both allies.
More praise and less criticism! Cut down the karma from what you say.

An ordinary mind is a mind of utmost freedom; utmost joy.

A true step on the path merits more than a hundred shallow words adorned with tinsel.

Only after you encounter affliction and adversity will you summon the mind of diligence.

Life's ups and downs are the stuff of growth and development.

An ordinary mind bends to circumstances; a sage mind transforms circumstances.

Can't move the mountain? Build a road. Road blocked? Start climbing. Can't climb? Shift mind!

True diligence doesn't mean placing your mind at risk. It is simply unwavering persistence.

Making life easier for others is making your life easier for yourself.

The past is an illusion; the future a dream; the present essential.

In calmness and tranquility make good use of this wondrous day. Tomorrow will shine.

Worry causes needless injury. Mindfulness brings security.

Live life this way: The best plan anticipates the worst scenario.

Stop the litter, clutter, and garbage! Always clean up and pick up what you can. These are virtuous acts.

Insight comes from wisdom; good fortune from merit.

Having few desires brings riches without worry.

A rich man is content with what he has; a poor man accumulates and is never satisfied.

If every day, every one spoke another kind word, did another good deed, then all of these little beneficial acts would turn into a great, great good.

An urgent task needs immediate attention. Be ready now.

Harmony with myself and others, harmony in mind and speech, and thus blessed with joy and happiness.

Character creates wealth; giving creates savings.

Offering yourself is cultivation; calming your mind is success.

The great must make allowances for the small; the small must reflect upon the great.

Devote all heart and strength to your family; commit your whole life to the enterprise at hand.

The best way to guard against greed is to give more, to extend yourself more, and to share more with others.

Disputes are best settled by tolerance.

Purify your mind by curbing desire, refine your community with loving kindness for all.

Wisdom comes at the moment when vexations perish from the mind, compassion is nothing more than sharing benefits with others,

The way to get along with others is to communicate effectively. When communication fails, compromise, when compromise fails, tolerate and forgive.

Two great tasks lie before Buddhists: To bring grace and beauty to the land in which they live and to help sentient beings grow spiritually.   

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference." -

The best is yet  to be!!    MONA

senior scribes
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