senior scribes

Wild Cards?
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! "God Save the Queen...and the NFL!" And what about the historic Trump-Kim Summit? Are times changing? My musings on these are:

The Queen has a say in the affairs of her family - her country. It seems her "blessing" is a much sought after token - a seal of approval. And she approved of Meghan Markle - now Duchess of Cambridge.

Meghan Markle was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She was married previously and divorced. She passed "inspection" - as it were and has been with the Queen at public events.

I've never seen the Queen look better. I've actually never seen the Queen smile a real smile. You know, a smile that suggests happiness.

So it seems that in spite of Meghan's "blot" with a previous divorce...or maybe because of it - Meghan has been good for the Queen. The last picture I saw of the two of them  - the Queen actually glowed.

Make-up covers a lot of things. But, I don't think it put the twinkle back in the Queen's eyes. Maybelline is good. But not that good.

I have to wonder: In the photos of the Queen's smiling face...are Meghan and the Queen sharing some "girl-talk?" Did Meghan interject some humor into the Royals? Or did she just introduce some truth about life into the mix?

I'm not judging this on the stories of what gift the new Duchess of Cambridge bought the Queen. Anyone can buy a gift to "wow" someone.

On to the NFL. The Super Bowl - Super Bowl 2018  - went off without a hitch...much to the disappointment of those who boycotted it wholeheartedly.

I knew boycotting the NFL would not prove anything. People bet on the Super Bowl around the world. Some people buy stock in the NFL teams.

Some NFL players would kneel instead of standing for the less-than-two minute National Anthem. Most sources say the average length of the Anthem is 1 minute 34 seconds.

Some NFL players said it was not their flag...not their Anthem. They would kneel in protest.  The NFL rules say all players will be on the field, facing the flag, holding their helmet in their left hand, and refrain from speaking - at the start of the National Anthem.

To do this for less than two minutes was more than some players were prepared to do. What do the NFL authorities do about this??

Voila! The new NFL rule regarding this is that if you feel you can not follow the NFL protocol for this - you are not allowed to be on the field during the National Anthem. You will wait in the locker room...according to a release posted in "The Guardian."

Also posted in The Guardian is: "NFL owners have issued new guidelines that will see teams fined if their players or staff do not show appropriate "respect" for the National Anthem." According to the new rules: "A club will be fined by the league if it's personnel are on the field and do not show respect for the flag and the Anthem."

God save the NFL!! To me - it's the perfect answer. If it's all offensive to you, then don't stay to keep looking at the offensive things. Feel free to remove yourself. See?? You have a choice - attend or don't attend. There's no third option to confuse you.

And the historic Trump-Kim Summit. The New York Times reports: (1)Talking changes North Korea and the American behaviors and perceptions that make conflict far less likely. (2)At the Summit, the two countries and their leaders were presented as equals. There are other things that happened ta the Summit...important concessions were made. But, I think these are the most important.

And I wonder: Is that what happened with the Queen and Meghan? Two women who both love a Prince - sat down and talked. Each love the Prince on a different level...but, still love.

Two choices are open to the NFL players and owners: Attend or don't attend the Anthem. No one has to wonder why the "ill-feelings" keep continuing - why players keep participating in an atmosphere they don't agree with before the start of every game. No one has to wonder if some of the "rough stuff" during the game - got in the game - because of "having" to acknowledge the Anthem.

I heard that President Trump invited Kim Jung Un to the USA. That's what Ronald Reagan did with Russian President Gorbachev in the 1980s. It worked then to defuse the Cold War.

Maybe our answer is in the past. Who'da thunk it??

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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