senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
The Crow and Enlightenment
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! Spring might not have "sprung" but, - she's definitely letting us know she's knocking at the door! As I pen this - it's 45 degrees and sunny. I'm reminded of all of the "stuff we need for the warm weather" clothes, thinner bodies, less wrinkles, a steady smile, etc. Consider the following.

10 Myths Blocking Your Enlightenment
Myth #1 - You can't be a normal person and be enlightened: As you achieve higher and higher states of enlightenment, you become a magnet for good. It's a positive for those around you.

Myth #2 - You must give everything up to be enlightened: One of the most common myths about being enlightened is that you must renounce the world and give up all of your possessions. This is not true.
Myth #3 - You must walk, dress, and talk like a spiritual person...wear symbols, crystals, etc: Symbols, crystals, and clothes don't help or take away from your enlightenment. I'm sure there are things that make you feel good like clothes, etc. That's more about personal preference than creating a state of pervasive peace.

Myth #4 - You must chant, make specific finger signs, or have special mantras to be enlightened: Enlightenment is a reconsideration of your entire existence and, it's possible that certain disciplines will reinforce that for you.

Myth #5 - You have to spend time in an ashram to enlighten: You can get into an enlightened state anywhere...the beach, a motel room, the middle of Manhattan.

Myth #6 - You have to be into eastern mysticism to enlighten: Eastern mysticism or religion don't have the franchise on enlightenment. Once you achieve the state, it becomes evident that enlightenment is a set of perspectives to which all high-minded people aspire.

Myth #7 - You need to meditate all the time to be enlightened: Meditation has it's place in the process, but it is not a means to an end.

Myth #8 - Enlightenment is only for the special few: This was true in the past. But something has changed in the consciousness and capacity of man.

Myth #9 - You can't be enlightened and materially successful: Being enlightened simply means you know that we are all one thing expressing itself with infinite variety. You recognize that the difference between you and everything you experience is your perception. When you "know" that, you have incredible courage and tenacity. You don't get stopped by irrational fears projected by The Drunk Monkey (negative mind chatter).

Myth #10 - Once you are enlightened, you are eternally at peace: This is not true. You still have a body and a nervous system. You still have old emotional triggers that come up. Navigating today's complex world is far easier when you can see people are just doing what they are doing. - MATTHEWFERRY.COM/BLOG

What if we all looked the way we wanted? Our ideal weight became reality, our worries about money washed away. Your love life is exactly the way you pictured it. Do you think we'd all be happier? Or would we just find new things to hate? - Halos and Horns Fun Page

There once was a crow who lived in the woods. He was happy with his life and never wanted for anything. But one day he saw a dove. "That dove is so bright and beautiful,"  thought the crow. "By comparison, I am dark and dull." The crow approached the dove and said, "You are so beautiful. You must be the happiest bird alive."  "I used to think I was the happiest bird alive, but then I saw a robin. It's chest was so red and vibrant. I feel plain by comparison. I think the robin must be the happiest bird alive." So the crow visited the robin. "You're so beautiful," said the crow. "You must be the happiest bird alive."  "I thought I was the happiest bird alive," said the robin "until I saw a peacock. It's colors were so impressive and rich. My red chest looks so boring by comparison. I think the peacock must be the happiest bird alive." So the crow flew to a zoo to meet the peacock. Many people flocked to the peacock's cage and took photographs. When the crowd had left, the crow said to the peacock, "You're so beautiful. You must be the happiest bird alive." The peacock sighed and said, "I thought I was the happiest bird alive, but then they put me in a cage because of my beauty. Sometimes I look to the sky and see a crow flying free, and all I want is to be a crow. I think the crow must be the happiest bird alive."   By comparing ourselves to others, we lose sight of our own blessings. The secret to happiness is to be thankful for what we have and not be upset over what we lack. - Appreciate

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference." -

The best is yet to be!!        MONA

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