senior scribes

To Buy or Not
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!  With all of the hype concerning our "2nd Amendment rights" - who should be allowed to buy a gun and the like...I submit the following to you readers for your perusal and consideration.

How to Buy a Gun in 15 Countries..Excerpts
United States: 1)Pass an instant background check that includes criminal convictions, domestic violence, and immigration status. 2)Buy a gun.

Japan: 1)Join a hunting or shooting club. 2)Take a firearms class and pass a written exam. 3)Get a Dr's note stating you are mentally fit and  do not have a history of drug abuse. 4)Apply for a permit to take firing training, which may take up to a month. 5)Describe in a police interview why you need a gun.6)Pass a review of your criminal history, gun possession record, employment, involvement with "organized" crime groups, personal debt, and relationships with friends, family, and neighbors. 7)Apply for a gun powder permit. 8)Take a one-day training class and pass a firing test. 9)Obtain a certificate from a gun dealer describing the gun you want. 10)Buy a gun safe and an ammunition locker that meets safety regulations. 11)Allow the police to inspect your gun storage. 12)Pass an additional background review. 13)Buy a gun.

Mexico: 1)Get a letter from the local authorities confirming that you do not have a criminal record. 2)Submit a letter showing your employment status and pay. 3)Pass a background check that considers criminal history, employment and current gun ownership. 4)Travel to Mexico City where the only authorized store to sell guns is located. 5)Get fingerprinted. 6)Buy a gun.

Australia: 1)Join and regularly attend a hunting or shooting club, or document that you're a collector. 2)Complete a course on firearm safety and operation and pass a written test and practical assessment. 3)Arrange firearm storage that meets safety regulations. 4)Pass a review that considers criminal history, domestic violence, restraining orders, and arrest history. Authorities may also interview your family and community members. 5)Apply for a permit to acquire a specific type of gun. 6)Wait at least 28 days. 7)Buy the specific type of gun for which you received the permit.

Austria: 1)To get a handgun or semiautomatic rifle, prove you are in serious danger. 2)Pass a review of criminal history. 3)Fill out a mental health survey and complete a psychological and physical test. 4)Complete a course on safe gun handling and storage. 5)Install safe gun storage. 6)Buy a gun. 7)If you bought a rifle or shotgun, wait three days before coming back to get it.

Canada: 1)To buy a gun, prove that you practice at an approved shooting club or range, or show that you are a gun collector. 2)For any gun, complete a safety course and pass both a written and practical test. 3)Ask for two references. In addition to two character references, Canadians must list the names of partners they have lived with in the last two years, all of whom must sign the application or be notified by the police before they (the applicant) can buy a gun. 4)Apply for a permit and wait 28 days before processing begins. 5)Pass a background check that considers your criminal record, mental health, addiction and domestic violence history. 6)Buy a gun. If you bought a gun, register it with the police before taking it home.

China: 1)Establish a specific reason to buy a firearm, such as hunting or sports shooting. 2)Arrange to store your gun at a gun range, remote hunting ground or pastoral area. In China, most civilians are prohibited from keeping guns in their homes. Guns must be kept at gun ranges or authorized locations. 3)Demonstrate knowledge of safe gun use and storage. 4)Pass a background check that considers mental illness, criminal record, and domestic violence. 5)Buy a gun.

Many Americans can buy a gun in less than an hour. In some countries, the process takes months. - NYTIMES.COM

"I'm a paradox. I want to be happy but, I think of things that make me sad. I'm lazy, yet I'm ambitious. I don't like myself but, I love who I am. I say I don't care but, I really do. I crave attention but, I reject it when it comes my way. I'm a conflicted contradiction. I can't figure myself out, there's no way anyone else has." - Sexy Bipolar Broad

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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