senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
More of the "Chasing Health"
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! More women that I speak to are saying they want to get in shape, lose weight, "tone-up"...and such. Consider the following while I work my way out of a pretzel shape. Who knew Yoga's "Half-Lotus" position would cause full trouble if you aren't prepared?!

9 Signs You're In Good Shape - Even If You Think You Aren't
You're working out, trying to eat healthy, and get enough sleep, yet it feels like nothing is working. Looking in the mirror doesn't help, nor does stepping on the scales; which leaves you wondering..."Am I healthy?"

1) Your heart rate is where it should be: People who are in great physical shape have a lower heart rate.

2)You can keep up with your friends on a walk or jog: Walk or jog at a moderate pace. If you're breathing heavily, you may be out of shape.

3)Your recovery time rocks: If your heart rate is in the healthy zone in less than 5 minutes, you're in good shape. "The faster back to normal, the better shape you're in."

4)You exercise consistently: The American Heart Association recommends you get 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 days a week.

5)The physical aspects of raising a child are a cinch: If you are carrying around a 20-pounder with little to no problem, there's a good chance you're in better shape than you think.

6)Stairs don't scare you: If you take the stairs rather than an elevator, you're probably more fit than you realize. People who take the stairs are generally more fit than those who don't.

7)You can do a variety of workouts: If you can easily alternate between different types of exercise, you're probably in better shape than you think.

8)You feel rested: If you're catching more z's at night and powering through the day, you're probably in better shape than you think. People who exercise sleep better.

9)Your mental health is in good shape: Exercise has been shown to improve mental health.  - Insider

2 Simple Steps To Shape Your Destiny Today
How can you shape your destiny?
Well, the answer is very simple. Practice gratitude. You become what you think about. So, if you're focused on what is working in your life, then more of that is going to come into your life.

It's simple: Think about what makes you happy and what makes you feel grateful. If you think about these things, more of these things will come into your life. So your future becomes more and more what you like about your life.

What most high-conscious people don't realize is that the universe is also true. Your future becomes more and more what you don't like about your life - if that's what you're focused on.

Look, the Drunk Monkey (my nickname for the mind) is focused on what is not working, what you need to be afraid of, and what you need to avoid. When you allow the Drunk Monkey to focus on all that stuff, it attracts more of it into your life.

It's attracting more of what you don't want, so your life becomes progressively more difficult to deal with.

What gratitude does is it literally turns your life in a direction that is more of what you want. Gratitude will shape your destiny in ways that you can't even imagine. Your life is gonna become progressively more joyous as you practice gratitude.

Need some inspiration? Here's what I really want you to do.
1)Think about 10 things in your life that you are happy about right now. What do you like? What is right? What is working? Who loves you? Make a list now.

2)Think about 10 things you would like in your life. Make a list.

3)Now close your eyes and go into a profound state of gratitude for these in your life right now, and then focus on the things you want.

This is an abbreviated version of my famous 10 10 Visualization Process. Get the entire process inside the article  10 10 Visualization Technique: The Full Explanation.

Hands down, this is the fastest way to shape your destiny. Game on!! - Matthew Ferry

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference." -

The best is yet to be!!     MONA

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