senior scribes

For Humanity's Sake
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! WARNING: Graphic content. Not for the faint-of-heart.

On Friday, May 26th - in Noblesville, Indiana - in a science classroom at the Middle School.... a student asks to be excused from the class. He is excused.

He returns to the classroom with a handgun in each hand and starts firing. A 13 year old girl takes 6 - SIX - 6 bullets from him. The Teacher takes 3 bullets. After the Teacher throws a basketball at him - said Teacher reportedly ran into the gunfire and tackled the 14 year old "gunman" to the floor and knocked the remaining gun from his hand.

Pinning the "gunman" to the floor, the Teacher yelled for 911 to be called. Let this sink in a minute: A Teacher... a 13 year old girl... a 14 year old boy... 9 bullets find a human mark.

The SWAT Team shows up as well as local law enforcement, emergency personnel, etc. The Middle School students are taken to the High School after it is determined to be safe. The area is secured and roughly a mile radius around the school complex is secured - off limits - period.

I spoke with a Mother as she was walking to the High School to get her two daughters. She had to show a photo ID to get them. She had to walk the mile to get to the school.

She told me her daughter at the Middle School... where the shooting actually took place... kept sending her texts - "I love you, Mom." "I'm sorry for all of the trouble I've caused you." "Am I going to die?" "I'm scared." "I love you and Dad."

Reportedly - the same texts went to her two sisters and brother.

Kids that were in class at the High School were locked in their classrooms. Inside the classrooms - desks, chairs, and anything else were pushed against the locked door as a barricade.

Sitting inside the barricaded room... sending texts of love and "I'm sorry" and wondering what would happen next.... the students hear BANG, BANG, BANG!! We're the SWAT Team... open the door.

The students pull the "barricade" away from the door and open it. Still... they are not allowed to leave. Their room is searched. All of the rooms are searched. The Superintendent has been called. School is canceled for the rest of the day.

The 13 year old girl has been at a children's hospital since that Friday. She is in "critical-but-stable" condition. The Teacher was released after a short hospital stay.

The Teacher has been on the news (tv, internet, papers, etc.) saying he did the only thing there was to do in that situation to keep the students safe. He said to not think of him but, to think of the 13 year old girl with the 6 bullets.

The community has responded monetarily and with prayers/well-wishes through a site set up by a student of Noblesville Schools.

"Noblesville for Jason Seaman"  (Teacher who tackled the 14 year old "gunman") has raised - as I write this - $92,024... by 1,870 people... in 3 days.

"Thank you for saving children's lives." "We're behind you Jason (Teacher), Ella (13 year old girl), NWMS, and the great police and people of Noblesville"  are some of the comments made on the site to donate money and/or make a comment. The above are all facts... to the best of my knowledge. Now - for my thoughts:

The 14 year old boy said he shot the 13 year old girl because she would not go out with him. I never heard him say why the Teacher was shot.  Really?!!

You'll never stop kids... and some adults... from calling the person who loves to study: a "Nerd." The person who wears glasses is: a "Four Eyes."  If someone rises above their situation, they're called: an @$$-kisser." You get the idea here, right??

Start telling the kiddies that not everyone is going to like them. Tell the young males that they might ask out 50 girls before one says yes. It's not his fault... she has different dreams and/or goals. Tell them someone is always going to be against what they say or do. I know that not all of you readers are going to agree with what I write. And that's ok.

Tell the kiddies that this is the perfect example of: "If you can't control your anger or other emotions...YOU DON'T NEED A GUN!!" Tell the kiddies that it's only just begun for this 14 year old male. (Do you think his friends' parents are going to allow them to keep being his friend?) He was supposed to have "liked"  (Perhaps he thought loved??) this girl.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!! MONA

senior scribes
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