senior scribes

Along Life’s Way
What’s the Deal Here? A Fable
© 2018 Lois E. Wilson
President Art Deal was leading the country after a hard fought win in the election. The opposition was still in shock and wondering, what happened? It seemed to regularly offer different reasons for its loss. The anti-Dealers believed they had gotten a raw deal, been dealt a poor hand so to speak. They had at least one reliable entity to advance their case—the liberal press.
Meanwhile President Deal was beginning the task of fulfilling his campaign promises. He tackled some issues alone and was successful in part on immigration issues and budget decisions. He also was able to address the tax code. A reluctant Congress passed tax reform which enabled many to retain more of their earnings to save or spend as they see fit. His efforts with foreign trade and military weapon deals were beginning to show promise of success.
Some of his most strident and passionate opponents fought him at every turn by stalling legislation, obstructing nominees’ confirmations, and leaking false information to a compliant press. They began to wheel and deal to seal the deal to remove him from office.
The opposition went on a crusade to prove that President Deal had been involved in collusion with foreign agents to win the election. This charge seems to have been the product of “collective delusion.” They began an investigation to prove Deal’s involvement. At every opportunity, when needed, his opponents could stir up explosive protest demonstrations which made good fodder for the evening news that willingly acquiesced, “deal us in.”
As time passed, more and more constituents were becoming aware that all was not right with the investigations into Deal’s activities. They easily saw there was double-dealing when it came to the two sides. There was certainly a double standard. On one side there was a tie-in deal being tried; but on the liberal side, there was a deal to suppress charges against their own.
Some of Deal’s opponents are under fire for misdeeds. Time will tell if they are the true wheeler-dealers who made sweetheart deals to advance their causes. Who were the ones giving the leaks to the press? A Furtive Internal Brotherhood (FIB) has been exposed. Very few are saying, “It is no big deal.”
The former director rushed a CYA book to press and to the public. When he testifies, will he claim he never lied as he believed he was always being asked about two “E” leeks? Will he assert that he never had anything to do with any leeks as he hates the taste and smell of onions? It is true; there is a bad odor about the whole situation. But, it’s too late to rewrite his book.
Moral: The deal is—when David took down Goliath, he didn’t use a boomerang.

senior scribes
County News Online

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