senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
It's Never Too Late
By Mona Lease

Greetings, galls!! Thanks to you gals out there who have remarked to me on the excerpts from the book I've been using. I'm glad it helped. That's the point of this column. I believe that once we see why we say and do the things we do - it's easier to modify our speech and actions. It's also easier to let go of "crutches" we never really knew we were using.

The following excerpts were particularly of the type that "hit home." I think I heard a whispered..."I told you so."  Enjoy!!

The Art of :Letting Go - Chapter 6 - "It's Never Too Late To Start Over" - Marissa Donnelly

It's never too late to start over. To hit the pause button. Breathe. Then begin again.

You don't need to lose yourself in the shuffle, get caught up in your mistakes and your fears and your anxieties. You don't have to hold onto your anger or your sadness and carry it with you in a little jar. You are more than a little jar waiting to be filled by unsatisfying things - material things, superficial love, addictions and vices and so many other negatives that leave you feeling emptier than before. You are more than that little jar you feel defines the person you are, so much so that you try to fit yourself in it's glass walls, try to keep contained within the edges and not overflow.

Life is imperfect. It's beautiful and complicated and burdensome and messy. And you are a part of it, a part that grows and changes and laughs and loves and gets broken and comes back together. But there will never be a time when you can't just step back and start all over.  

There is no rewind, but you can always restart, let go. Let go of the toxic friends, of the urge to gossip, of the anxieties over what he said and she said, of the worry you feel over a future you can't control. Let go. It's never too late to put down that jar you're carrying and pull yourself out of it. Reshape. Remold. Reconnect. And begin again.

You are not supposed to be this static person. The world is continually shifting, and you are continually moving within it, in whatever direction you want. If you don't like that direction, turn. Don't turn back. Don't turn around. Just turn. Right. Left. Diagonal. Cut across the grass. Take a back road.

It's never too late to spin things around for the better. To leave what's been broken and acknowledge that you can't put it back together exactly how it was. To smile at the things you cannot replace, cannot fix, cannot make perfect. Nothing is perfect. You are not perfect.

Forget the jar. Forget how you've always been defined by it. Define yourself by something new.

Then start over. Begin again. All at once or piece by piece. Start with the little things.

Then be patient as you begin again, becoming new, becoming yourself.

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference." - sun/

The best is yet to be!!     MONA

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