senior scribes

Being Real
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! For you faithful readers out there (thanks much!), you'll know I wrote a "Mind, Body, Soul" column on this same subject. Again - it's the on if you like.

For the sake of agreement...let's say that the population of the earth is male/female...50/50. That makes half of this world geared to the men. And it rightly should. So - responsibility comes into play here...all across the board. And another "R" word comes into play holding hands with responsibility and that word is...respect. This is personal responsibility and respect...which leads to others having these same words for you in their minds.

In my MBS column, I asked if anyone thought Mr. Cosby had any sort of respect for these women who gushed and followed Mr. Cosby to a private room at a Playboy a motel his private home in another scenario. I do wonder if the woman who went to Mr. Cosby's home wondered where Mrs. (Camille) Cosby was at that particular time. It's never been a secret that Bill Cosby is a married man. I'll work Mr. Kavanaugh's "entourage" in here as well.

As women...have we so little regard for ourselves that we'll jump at some "slim chance" for fortune, fame, and a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame?? Have we debased ourselves so much that we rush headlong into a dangerous situation and then blame the man?
Sorry readers but...seriously...if a woman is in a Playboy Club, a motel room, a man's house...doesn't that make these places the  man's "turf?"

It's all in how we present ourselves. There is no such thing as "harmless flirtation" or "harmless little sex jokes." And I think in today's sex/drug ridden world...we need to be doubly careful.

Look at how we dress. We let another country...namely China...dictate to us what we will wear...what is "fashionable this season." And we're paying $15 for a yard of material in too many of these clothes.

Now...none of this excuses a man slipping some drug into a woman's drink. That is so very wrong. the way we women dress...are we sending signals that the men answer and then we women find that we are not happy with those answers?? 

What is a man supposed to think when a woman wears jeans/slacks cut 6" below her navel, heels, and a blouse cut 7" below her throat??

And why are the women waiting 20-35+ years to say something? Is it "easy money"...if they were monetarily compensated?? Do these women know it's a "roll of the dice" as to what the presiding judge will determine?

Is that the real reason that all of the women in California lost their cases against Bill Cosby? California has always been a "beach type" and scantily clad men and women are a pretty normal sight just about everywhere. No one thinks a whole lot of it.

And on the eastern side of the United States...we're not so laid back...we're more of a "right is right and wrong is wrong" law.

Women have always fallen for a "line"...the promise of wealth, fame, fortune, least immortality of their name. We all want to "go down in history" as contributing something to life. Every woman wants to be remembered. The real question is: "How do you want to be remembered?"

Remember Monica Lewinsky? Remember Marilyn Monroe? I'll leave you to ponder this true story. It's in my words but...true never-the-less.

Lupe (Guadalupe) Velez...a Mexican-born actress starring in Hollywood...found herself in trouble. She was the life of Hollywood parties...dated many. many men...who all disappointed her...probably with promises of fame, fortune, and such that never came true.

At the age of 36...Lupe's career was waning...her latest lover was gone...and she was pregnant. Oh, dear...what to do?? She decided to end it all. She had a fine "last meal," took a handful of pills, and went to bed. The pills did not agree with her last meal. She was found dead...with her face in the toilet.

How do we really want to be remembered? Kavanaugh will be remembered. His integrity as a judge is already on the line...."surely he will not do rightly by the people...look at his private life" the battle-cry from those opposed to him. The women crying rape/sexual assault will be remembered as "those women who ruined Kavanaugh's career" those who are for him. We will all be remembered for that which we have done. It just seems as though the more wrong it is...the more it is remembered.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

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