senior scribes

Hearing Her Speak
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! She told me she thought all of our problems in society today were because we have too much money...or...access to too much money.

She said you have a job. You can get as many credit cards as you long as you keep making the minimum payment...which covers the interest and $2 or $3 dollars to the principal. You are never really going to save any money. Even if you have money in the are losing money.

Credit cards have an interest rate of 7-26.5%. Most savings accounts are currently paying less than 0.3% interest.

Even so...we, as a people...still order online...go to retail stores...and "shop til we drop"...using credit cards. And still we're not happy. Still we get sick. Still our children turn to drugs and some "friend" on the internet.

She told me to look...really look. If you have credit cards...are making payments to Sears, Fingerhut, etc...add up all of these interest rates.

Make it easy here. If you have 5 accounts you are paying interest on and each interest rate is 20%...that's 100% interest you are paying. If you have money in a savings account...that is paying you 3% are in the hole 97%. And still...few people are happy. In theory...there's too much money.

She told me that she knew a woman who lived like this. She ended up paying all of her debt and getting out of the "interest shell game." At the time though, the woman bought things to make the home more make it nicer. She said her family did not even have to be sick!

She told me that this woman told her that all of this did not help all.

Her husband still cheated on her...openly....with a woman that was his wife's friend. The wife had helped out this friend! Many, many people knew the wife...knew the man to whom she was sight, if not by name. Soon...everyone knew the "whole story."

She told me it's all a money world. And a numbers world. There are sites on the internet ...for a fee...that allow you to trace license plate numbers of vehicles. (It's true...I tried it.). There are sites on the internet (for a fee) that allow you track a person's entire history...criminal, credit rating, traffic, real estate, and such. We have too much money...or access to too much money.

There was (might still be) a site on the internet to our Darke County Courts...which was free. There, you can type in a name and...Voila!! Every court document..every court appearance...every traffic ticket...every's all there. This is all a matter of public record. You can go to the actual court house and view these "hard copies."

It's free on the internet for local stuff. If you search nationwide, you are paying someone (who set up the program) to connect you with courts across the USA. She said she thinks this has made us all paranoid. When the caller ID on our phone does not give us an incoming call number...most people wonder who it was. What did they want? Was it a bill collector...collection agency? They search their memory for answers. Did they say the wrong thing to someone and now that person is playing games with them? (I've actually heard this one for myself.). She said she thinks this (technology) all feeds our "have to know" appetite.

She said that our "need to know" and our "have to be in style" are going to be the ruination of us.

She said to think. We have kiddies/young adults who are using heroin (right now). They are our next voters...our next law makers...our next "ruling body" over health care and health care facilities. She asks why they (future voting kiddies) would care.

They (kiddies/young adults) watched adults have "real money"..."plastic money"...and "invisible money" (credit accounts with JC Penney's, etc. You order's all numbers.)

She wonders if the kiddies watch this and think they got "bought off" with what was the "in thing" at the time.

She wonders if any kiddie ever tried to tell a parent they just wanted time with their parent....time to voice their opinion to see what it sounded like "out loud"...without the parent chiding, tsking, or saying it was silly.

I just said...WOW.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

senior scribes
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