senior scribes

Along Life’s Way
In a Word
By Lois E. Wilson

I have always been intrigued by words and their origin. Many came from different cultures, some were coined to fit a situation, and some familiar words were given additional applications. In 2007 I wrote this verse about the new meanings of words which arose from technology:

          At one time a compact disc
          Was just a powder puff.
          A lap top was created
          When sitting on your duff.
          A web site was a corner
          That held a spider's nest.
          Then a mouse was Mickey
          Or worse a household pest.   
          When people spoke of software,
          It was a fluffy robe;
          A hard drive was motoring
          Halfway around the globe.
          A chat room was the parlor—
          Blackberries, fruit for pie.
          Windows were for breezes
          Or looking at the sky.      
          In those days, life seemed simpler.
          Words had a common text.
          Now we're left to wonder
          How we'll usurp them next.

More recently, the word “cloud” has been adopted by technology. Some new words have developed in the social areas of life. A few examples and their meanings are the following:

     *Hangry: bad tempered or angry because of hunger.

     *Snowflakes: those too emotionally vulnerable to cope with their own challenges.

     *Manny: a male nanny.

     *Dink: double income, no kids.

     *Helicopter parents: those who constantly hover over their children in all aspects.

     *Lawnmower parents: those who keep children from facing adversity by mowing down obstacles so their kids don’t have to face them in the first place.

     *Theybies: substitution for the word “babies” and used by parents who wish their children to be gender neutral until the child is ready to choose a gender. They try to keep the biological sex of the child secret.
The term “TL;DR” is now listed in some dictionaries. It has two meanings: “Too lazy; didn’t read” or “Too long; didn’t read.” I hope in regard to the above article neither applies.

senior scribes
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