senior scribes

Along Life’s Way
The “M” Word
By Lois E. Wilson
If you’ve been watching the news channels in the last couple of weeks, you are probably aware of the assault on the use of the “M” word, as they call it—the mob. A few TV hosts have chastised their panel guests for using the word when describing the actions of certain political dissent and protest groups.
When you have celebrities egging on violence such as showing a dismembered head depicting the President, talking about blowing up the White House, and others comparing the President to a dictator and threatening to move out of the country, what can be the result?
We also have current and former political leaders exhorting people to keep being uncivil to the opposition. They have suggested getting in their opponents faces, to confront them wherever and whenever they see them. As a result, some whom they disagree with have been run out of restaurants, cornered in elevators, and had their offices broken into, etc.
They have shared personal information about where opponents live so that groups can protest there. And a former U.S. Attorney General has suggested that when opponents are down, “Kick them.”
Some of these protesters are paid to incite and direct the actions of the groups. My thoughts are: If it is unruly like a mob, if it is disruptive like a mob, if it is intimidating like a mob, if it is destructive like a mob, then it is a mob. By any current or past definition of the word, that is a fair conclusion.
If you defy in a mob-like manner, then don’t decry the results. You may not want to own the word mob but you are a mob.
This mob politics strategy is offensive. Most citizens do not want our country run by mob rule. At this point, we still have a say in our destiny. May our prayers be with our choices.

senior scribes
County News Online

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