senior scribes

By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! As I write's the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attack on American soil...when the Trade Towers vanished into a smoking pile of rubble

"Seventeen years ago, a void was left in our city and hearts. In the wake of the unimaginable, we came together in unity. Today in that spirit of unity, hundreds gathered together on the #911 memorial to honor the 2,977 people killed on 9/11." -

"The family members and loved ones of the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks gathered under misty skies at the World Trade Center site in Manhattan on Tuesday (9/11) to honor the legacies of those lost by reading their name aloud in a somber ritual repeated each year on the anniversary of the attack.

Under the shade of the swamp white oak trees at the memorial site, the family members stood at two glass podiums and read the names of 2,983 men, women, and children killed in the attacks at the World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, and aboard Flight well as those who died in the Feb. 26, 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center.

Behind their voices was the sound of water falling into the memorial pools. A silver bell was rung and a moment of silence observed at six moments during the ceremony - twice to mark that each plane hit the towers, twice to mark the time when each tower fell, one time to mark the attack on the Pentagon, and one for Flight 93.

At 8:42 am an honor guard with members from the Police Department, Fire Department, and Port Authority Police Department marched to the podium holding a large American flag that was damaged in the attacks. At 8:46 am, a moment of silence marked the first plane hitting the north tower. Then the reading of the names began. It would take more than three hours to complete." - Sharon Otterman, Sept 11, 2018, New York Times

Thanks to those who responded to the call on 9/11. Thanks to those who pitched in and worked tirelessly to provide coffee, medical aid,  to help direct traffic, to sit with those who could not comprehend what happened, to those who moved debris and brought water, and thanks to those who tried to subdue the chaos.

Thanks to the families of those whose lives were lost that day. I have no words to express my feelings.

If I've missed anyone...I am truly sorry. Everyone stood together to make a very bad situation a little less bad...and a little more hopeful.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!   MONA

senior scribes

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