senior scribes

Along Life’s Way
Promises, Pledges, and Oaths
By Lois E. Wilson
Whenever we head to the ballot box to make choices on candidates, it is helpful to review their records on promises, pledges, and oaths.
“Promise” is defined as a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that particular thing will happen in the future. It can also be an assurance that one will refrain from doing a certain thing.
“Pledge” is a solemn binding promise or undertaking to do or refrain from doing something. It gives the entity to whom it is made the right to expect the act will be performed or not as pledged.
“Oath” is a solemn promise often invoking divine witness regarding one’s future action or behavior. It is to convey that one sincerely intends to do what one says.
In the social world, “going steady” would be the promise, “engagement to marry” the pledge, and “wedding exchange of vows” the oath.
In the political world, candidates make promises as to what new goals they aspire to accomplish, what they would change or eliminate if elected. They campaign on these issues. In the 2016 presidential race, the Republican candidates signed a pledge that they would support the nominee of the party. However before long, some reneged on the pledge and broke their commitment to the nominee and the party.
We encounter promises in all walks of life. Pledges are often a part of an organization’s philosophy such as the Scouts. Oaths are taken by many government leaders, judges, law enforcement agents, to name a few.
It is each voter’s duty to assess the integrity, performance, and true intentions of each candidate.

Have the candidates kept their past promises or tried to do so? Have they honored their pledges and oaths of previous service?
This assessment we should make wisely as the answers can help with decisions you believe will propel our country in a direction that will enable all to prosper. Is the candidate’s philosophy and record likely to keep our country free and its residents free and safe? Vote and choose well! Our future depends on it.

senior scribes
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