Buckeye Buckaroos held March Meeting

The Buckeye Buckaroos 4-H Club had their March 13th meeting at 6:30 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Greenville, Ohio. The meeting began with special guest K-9 Deputy Sheriff Joseph. Dep. Joseph talked about his job and his K-9 dog Oakley. Mr. Joseph brought in illegal drugs for a demonstration of how good Oakley can smell.

Next, they talked about upcoming dates like The Darke County Tack Sale and club ride nights that are starting back up in April. The Health and Safety speakers came and spoke about the horses and your Safety and Health when you are riding a horse. 

Lastly, they talked about how to get Club T-shirts and Sweatshirts and how much they cost. Plans were made regarding the fundraiser golf outing and the activities that they would be doing at the golf outing.

The next meeting will be April 10, at 6:30 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.

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