Darke County Airport holds Fly-In

The Darke County Airport held a Fly-In on Saturday, September 23 from 10AM to 4PM and a big crowd showed up for this event. The weather was absolutely perfect for this event

Unfortunately the new terminal wasn’t in a stage yet to open it up and offer tours. Too bad – it would have been a great additional attraction.

But there was still a lot to see for the visitors: the Kestrel Warbirds Experience offered the experience to fly in an old WW2 warbird. Premier Health Careflight flew in with their Heli (btw: the Darke County Airport is one of 4 airports that Careflight is based) and so did the State Highway Patrol Aircraft.

Many private airplane owners flew in with their “classic” and modern airplanes.

The Fren-Cheese food truck offered all kind of grilled cheese sandwiches.

Click here for event-photos

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