Darke County Sheriff’s Office participates again in Warm Winter Wear Program

We are excited to announce that the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with local law enforcement, Crime Stoppers, and fire and emergency medical professionals, are providing warm coats, hats, and gloves to children in need again in 2023!

New coats, hats and gloves are being accepted at the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, Investigations Building from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Monetary donations are also accepted through mail or at the Sheriff’s Office. All checks should be made payable to the Darke County Children’s Warm Winter Wear. The mailing address is Darke County Sheriff’s Office, 5185 County Home Road, Greenville, Ohio.

Coats, hats and gloves will be provided to the children in need, under the age of 11 years, or in fifth grade, from October 16, 2023 through November 22, 2023 by appointment. The items will be available for pick up at the Darke County Sheriff’s Office. The coats will be not provided to the children through the elementary/middle schools.

Anyone with questions about the project may contact the Darke County Sheriff’s Office at (937) 547-4609 and speak to Stacey McMiller.

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