“DENIERS” Are Simply Proud and Patriotic Americans, and NOT Conspiracy Theorists

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

On Election Night, November 3, 2020, two years ago, we were all intently watching the coverage of the election results, and every development from all over the country, which would lead directly to the winner of those essential 270 Electoral Votes, for our next President.  

It was non-stop, and sometimes even chaotic, with all the different situations happening, and all the changes of leaders in particular states, and where all the votes were coming from, and where they had already been counted, or not yet tabulated.  

Then almost suddenly, everything stopped, in all the remaining states which had not been called yet, for either candidate.    Came to practically an abrupt halt, everywhere.   This happened at around 11 p.m., Eastern time, if memory serves.  

Nothing being reported, no results from anywhere, and more confusing was that none of the statistics, which had been changing each minute since the first polls had closed at approx. 7 p.m. on the East Coast, were moving nor changing now, at all. 

We noticed it right away, because we were enjoying all the action, and with Trump leading in the Electoral vote count, we wanted to see the final results as soon as possible.   We figured it was inevitable, given that he was only running against Joe Biden, who was far from any kind of legitimate candidate, muchless a threat to the sitting President.  

But then nothing.   All of the remaining uncalled states just stopped reporting anything.   In most of them, not even a single vote, nor percentage of precincts reporting, had increased nor changed at all.   Huge states, like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, and even less populous states like Oregon, Washington state, Maine,  Alaska, and Nebraska, all came to a screeching halt.  

The news media made little mention of it, until another hour or so had passed.   But even then they weren’t putting it together, that this could all be coordinated.  

Then we started hearing random reports of huge amounts of “mail-in” ballots being found, and windows being covered so that the outside public couldn’t see the activity going on inside, involving whatever ballots were left to count.   Excuses were being made, from all these states, and the media was not only buying it, but reporting the bogus statements word for word.  

Well, we all know what happened from here, as most of these remaining states went for the candidate who had been losing badly, until “something” happened, in all the remaining states, to change the results, and made Joey the Ice Cream Boy, the 46th President of the United States. 

Complaints were made, and suits were brought, and recounts demanded.   But the Dems were in control of all the governments and voting administrations in almost all of these states, and enough liberal judges within them as well.   So that all of these objections and protests were quickly dismissed, most with the back of a hand across a face. 

And worse, anyone who dared complain, or try to point out the massive “irregularities”, to say the least, was derided and chastised as being conspiracy nuts, and “election deniers”, and only upset because their candidate had lost.   Complete and utter nonsense reigned. 

And it has stayed crazy for the last two years.   Trump was impeached a second time, even after he left office, and again with not a single crime involved.   Just a large dislike for him, and an undisputable fear of him, within the Dem party.  

Protests happened, people marched on Washington, DC, in objection to the election results, and the Dems tried to make that into something much larger, and anything but what it was.   While an unarmed citizen was shot and killed by a Capitol Hill policeman, during the process.   Beyond tragic.  

Trump turned over his office, to the “Basement President”, even though he believed in his heart that he had not lost that office.  And for the two years since, anyone who has dared bring up any possible wrong doings from Election Day 2020 was branded as looney, and an idiot, who was only a Trump lover, who couldn’t care less about our country.  

When in truth, it was all about the exact opposite.  

All of the election “deniers”, from 2020 are the true Americans, and object to those results because they are patriots, who are proud of our American traditions and laws and history from the past 230+ years.   And who are heartbroken to not only see such illegal craziness being accepted, but for it to be allowed to go forward in any small way, muchless in the way we now have.  

And any of our citizens who object to what has been done to these traditions, and laws, have been purposefully and dismissively treated in a second class way, by ALL the Dems, and especially by their completely compliant and obedient Media.  

Then it happened again.   Less than two weeks ago, the same illegal and immoral things happened again, in almost exactly the same ways, in almost exactly the same states.  

The Dems had learned how to pull this off, and were so confident that they could do it again, that they changed almost nothing about how they did it, from two years ago.  

They knew they could, because the Republicans’ leadership is so Stupid, that they attempted nor demanded not a single vote counting change whatsoever, and allowed all the same shenanigans of the previous nonsensical election to continue right on, as if it would fix itself.  

Well, it didn’t fix itself, and several key elections were lost around the country, even though the G.O.P. was able to take control of the House of Representatives, but not the Senate.  

However, with the Media still completely on the opposite side of common sense, as well as all of the Dems, and far too many of the Republican leadership in Congress, this will be an uphill fight to secure any further national leadership positions, muchless have even anything close to a fair, honest, and transparent election, any time in the future.  

The Dems and their Media, and the Cabal behind them both, are the biggest roadblocks to fairness in elections, but most of the G.O.P. leadership is barely better.  

There are tens of millions of Americans who believe firmly, and without doubt, that the last two national elections had some, if not a lot, of fraudulent activity involved with them.  

Wouldn’t it make just the slightest bit of sense to listen to them, and examine the “suspicious” or unusual nature of these practices, which took place in those two recent elections??    Or, sometimes more importantly, what DIDN’T  happen? 

But that would mean the possibility of losing their control over most things, which for them, “trumps” all else, including laws, tradition, and history.  

Everyone should want fair and transparent elections.   It’s what makes Democracy, ….Democracy.  

And ridiculing those of us who want no more than that, might be worse, and certainly is more divisive, than running a fraudulent election. 

Make America Great Again, …is for ALL Americans.  

© Copyright Joe Facinoli,  11-20-2022

Intelligent Response Encouraged. 


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