Enough is enough

By George Starks |

IOWA- As much as I love sports and I do, and I I do, I can only take so much about some woman in Iowa becoming the best of all time!

Now I’m not taking anything away from Catelyn Clark but comparing her to to the real thing, Pete Maravich,  is just wrong. 

That would be like someone comparing me to Chris Mortensen (RIP) or Don McDermott, (RIP).

There is no comparison 

Granted,  I’m good but not that good. 

Take the three point line away and Clark will still be chasing the “Pistol”.

You’re looking at two players from completely different levels. 

Maravich was the best in his day.

Let’s face it, when the three point line came into play, it changed the face of the game. 

What we really need to do is get over it. 

Stop talking about it and let the Madness of March begin.

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