Fairboard held its monthly meeting on Wednesday 2/1

The Fairboard held its monthly meeting on Wednesday.

The President of the Darke County Harness Horsemen’s Association, Tim Reck, presented numbers about the costs to repair 42 stalls in the barns. The board asked Tim Reck in January meeting to work with Craig Bowman on this issue and report to the Board.

Reck informed the Board that it was hard to find the needed material. None of the local stores had the needed boards available. He found a place near Xenia that offers the boards for $18 per board. There are 30 boards per stall needed for the repairs, but some of the existing boards can still be used.

Tim Reck also wants to install mats to protect the wood. 77 stalls already have these kind of mats and only one of them needs repairs. The cost per mat would be $29.99 with 5 mats be needed per stall.

Since the costs for fixing all the stalls at once would be high, Reck suggested a plan for multiple years, so the costs would be between about 7 yo 10K per year plus nails, washer, etc.

The Building and Grounds Committee will look into this and then this issue will come back to the Board for a decision.

To have an additional income stream, Director Dean Neff presented a fundraising proposal. He suggested the purchase of either a Gator with dump bed, heated cab, 4-wheel drive and power steering or a golf cart and raffle it off. Suggested ticket price is $10. The Board approved the purchase of a Gator for approximately $16500 and the board requested that a minimum of 1800 must be sold before they’ll draw a winner. The tickets will be sold at the Darke County Sheriff’s Home & Sport Show and upcoming events, with the goal to hold the drawing in fall at the board’s appreciation dinner.

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