Ginghamsburg Church, Tipp City, welcomes new Pastor

It’s Welcome Weekend at Ginghamsburg Church. To celebrate the arrival of Dennis Miller, the newly appointed United Methodist pastor, the church is collecting donations of kid-size khakis, red polos, deodorant, hair products and snacks (Goldfish and fruit snacks) for Belle Haven Elementary school. Free Kona Ice will also be available as a post-celebration treat at Ginghamsburg’s Tipp City location. 

Pastor Miller is excited about a new day. “We’re ready for Sunday morning! Our team has erected a 12 foot cross. At the close of Sunday’s message, I will invite us to the cross of Jesus. We will begin this new chapter of Ginghamsburg Church by dying. The surrender and letting go is a dying that allows us to truly live. What in our lives and church needs to die or be released on the cross of Jesus in order to make space for new life?” 

Worship gatherings are live this Sunday, August 7 at the Tipp City Campus (9 and 10:30am) and broadcast to the Fort McKinley Campus (10:30am) and online (9 and 10:30am). Location details can be found on the church’s website,

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