Honoring Ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Park on National Vietnam War Veterans Day

The Fort GreeneVille DAR, Darke County Commissioners, Greenville Mayor Jeff Whitaker, Arcanum Mayor Bonnie Millard and Vietnam Veterans from Darke County gathered at the Veterans Memorial Park at VFW Post 7262 to honor National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

Debbi Nisonger, representing the Fort GreeneVille DAR, expressed gratitude for the privilege of honoring Vietnam veterans and their families in Darke County. She highlighted the significance of joining thousands of communities nationwide in recognizing this pivotal day.

Debbi explained, why the National Vietnam War Veterans Day is on March 29: On March 29, 1973, several pivotal events occurred that marked the end of significant U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. These events include

1) the disestablishment of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV): On March 29, 1973, the U.S. Military Assistance Command in Vietnam, which had overseen American military operations in Vietnam, was officially disbanded. This marked a symbolic end to the direct military command presence in Vietnam.

2) the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops: March 29, 1973, also saw the final withdrawal of American combat troops from Vietnam. This withdrawal signaled the completion of the U.S. military’s involvement in direct combat operations in the Vietnam War and

3) the release of prisoners of war (POWs): On the same day, Hanoi, the capital of North Vietnam, released the last remaining American prisoners of war (POWs) held in Vietnam. This release marked the end of a long and painful chapter for many American servicemen who had been held captive during the conflict.

Local dignitaries including the Darke County Commissioners and Mayors of Greenville and Arcanum adressed the people who gathered to honor the Vietnam Vets.

Commissioner Matt Aultman emphasized the profound sacrifice made by individuals from rural communities who bravely served to protect the American way of life.

Commissioner Marshall Combs, who served as a Marine, expressed gratitude to Vietnam veterans for their courageous response to the call of duty, acknowledging the immense sacrifice made by young individuals who left their homes to defend freedom abroad.

Commissioner Larry Holmes shared a personal connection, revealing the impact of the war on his own family. He conveyed heartfelt appreciation to all who served, emphasizing the significance of honoring their service.

A proclamation by the Darke County Commissioners recognized the valor and sacrifice of Vietnam veterans, commemorating March 29, 2024, as Vietnam War Veterans Day in the county.

Mayor Jeff Whitaker echoed sentiments of gratitude, emphasizing the importance of honoring Vietnam War veterans for their service and sacrifice. He presented a proclamation declaring March 29, 2024, as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Greenville, Ohio.

Mayor Bonnie Millard expressed deep appreciation for the opportunity to address the gathering, thanking all who served and highlighting their contributions to the country.

The event concluded with recognition for the honor guard, who were honored for their help at the events

Debbie Nisonger of the Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR closed the ceremony, emphasizing the esteemed place held by Vietnam veterans in the nation’s conscience and expressing gratitude on behalf of the community for their service.

Click here for photos of the event.

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