Ohio State University Extension: NEAFCS Awards Presented in Rhode Island

MARKETING PACKAGE AWARD: Teresa Rusler-Heiss, Ohio State University Extension, Darke County, Office Associate and Dr. Roseanne Ellison Scammahorn, former Family and Consumer Science Educator, were honored recently at the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) 89th annual session, whose theme was “Oceans of Opportunities.” Together they received the Second Place Central Region NEAFCS Marketing Package Award at the conference held Sept. 11 – 14 in Providence, Rhode Island. In receiving the award, Mrs. Rusler-Heiss and Dr. Scammahorn were recognized for their work to support and promote the Shared Harvest drive-thru food distributions held each month for Darke County residents. The NEAFCS Marketing Package Award recognizes NEAFCS members for outstanding marketing efforts addressing concerns and needs of children, families or communities. It is presented for the development of an outstanding marketing package promoting a class, program or pertinent Family and Consumer Sciences issues. Mrs. Rusler-Heiss and Dr. Scammahorn‘s commitment to meeting the needs of individuals, families and communities is exemplary. This award is sponsored by the NEAFCS membership and awards fund.

EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM PACKAGE AWARD: Dr. Roseanne Ellison Scammahorn, Research Extension Associate III, of Starkville, MS, was honored recently at the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) 89th annual session, whose theme was “Oceans of Opportunities.” Dr. Scammahorn, a member of the Ohio State University Extension, Health Benefits of Laughter Team, received the First Place Central Region NEAFCS Educational Curriculum Package Communications Award at the conference held Sept. 11 – 14 in Providence, Rhode Island. In receiving the award, Dr. Scammahorn, Misty Harmon, Ken Stewart, Susan Zies, and Lorissa Dunfee were recognized for their four-part curriculum highlighting the mental and physical health benefits of incorporating laughter into daily living. The NEAFCS Educational Curriculum Package Communications Award encourages excellence in a teaching package that utilizes communication tools from two or more categories: audio/visual, written, exhibit, slides, computer program or educational publication. This award is sponsored by the NEAFCS membership and awards fund. Dr. Scammahorn‘s commitment to meeting the needs of individuals, families and communities is exemplary. If you would like to learn more about the Health Benefits of Laughter program, please contact Teresa Rusler-Heiss at the Ohio State University Extension, Darke County office at 937-548-5215.

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