On Site Business Flu Clinics

The Darke County Health Department offers on-site influenza vaccine clinics for area businesses to prepare for flu season. The Health Department staff will come to your facility to administer these vaccines for a minimum of 10 business employees. Employees decrease their risk of contracting influenza by getting an annual flu shot. Costs are reduced for area businesses by decreasing time missed from work to get vaccinated and reducing absences due to illness.

For billing purposes, those who have medical coverage should bring a copy of their insurance card. A copy of the card will be made on site and then the insurance company will be billed. Flu vaccines are almost always covered by insurance. There are no additional costs to these clinics. However, for businesses who would like to pay out of pocket rather than billing the insurance company, the charge is $30 each.

For any questions or to schedule an onsite clinic, please contact the Health Department at 937-548-4196 ext. 224.

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