Soil Health Field Day September 29th

In recent years, soil health has become more and more enticing for producers.

Managing our soils is imperative for the longevity of our farms. Though it can be difficult to know where to start other than your standard soil test.

Therefore, Ohio State Extension Darke County is excited to offer a Soil Health Field Day on September 29th from 5p.m. to 8:00p.m. Jason Sneed the Director of the Soil and Water Conservation District in Clinton county and Wilmington College Adjunct soils professor is coming up to do a soil pit demo, showing us the soils we have, how to identify them and improve management, Elizabeth Hawkins, Agronomic Systems Field Specialist is speaking on Soil Health testing and Taylor Dill, Darke County Ag and Natural Resources Educator is speaking on the effect of cover crops on weed control.

We hope to see you come out in a few weeks! The Field Day will be held at Aultman Farms on Horacio Harris Creek Road, near Stelvideo. For questions or to RSVP, contact Taylor Dill by September 27th at or 937-548-5215 for a head count for the meal.

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