This is Too Easy, Part 1

Truth is, neither (side) is totally right or wrong, it’s just that there is no worldly fix for what ails us. 

By Jana Kolling

So I heard some people were upset, even outraged that a riot could occur at the Capitol.  They didn’t know how to explain the images to their children, infuriated over the damages, and even feared for their lives.  With half my brain tied behind my back (RIP shoutout), I’m going to help those people cope.  You see, it’s not that I think what happened was right.  It’s that most people can’t see anything fairly or clearly.  Politics is a sport now.  And not just any sport, it’s an Ohio State-Michigan game.  Just like no Buckeye fan ever sees interference, no Wolverine ever sees holding.  And let’s be honest, that targeting call on Shaun Wade against Trevor Lawrence was total crap.

Below I will plainly lay out why the left’s outrage over the January 6thevents is hypocritical, biased, and illogical.  Quotes will only come from politicians, journalists, professors, contributors, and otherwise people in a position of power.  We can all find rogue bloggers saying dangerous stuff, and comedians really don’t matter.  Economic stats will primarily come from

Let’s begin with the notion that the riot was Trump’s fault, which has since been laid to rest. Assuming he said something to encourage hate or incite violence, which of course would be wrong, consider this:

“This is war. Dems have powerful weapons. Now is the time to use them” Rob Reiner

“Half of Trump supporters are racist, sexist, homo, xeno, Islamo, you name it” Hillary Clinton

“70 million people who voted for…… lies, hate, chaos and division” Michelle Obama

“Republicans voted for him like ‘any mammal will do’” Pelosi

“Non-educated white males have voted Republican” Pelosi

“Stop thinking you’re in a skirmish, when you’re at war” Charles Blow, NYT

“If they try to replace RBG we burn the entire f**** thing down…. literally over our dead bodies” Reza Aslan, CNN

“You cannot come into this White House (Biden’s) thinking these people aren’t the enemy, they are” Jason Johnson, MSNBC

“All 70 million Trump voters are racists and tribalists” Malcolm Nance, MSNBC

“When was the last time an actor assassinated a president” Johnny Depp

“I have thought a lot about blowing up the White House” Madonna

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends” Obama

“When they go low, we kick them” Eric Holder

Another thing I’ve noticed, when a left-winger commits violence he’s insane.  When a right-winger commits violence he’s an extremist.  I don’t have time to distinguish the two, but let’s assume that words spoken could motivate either one to act.  Then look at this:

  • Bernie Sanders supporter fired 100 rounds at a baseball park, critically injuring Steve Scalise
  • Alvin Shaw confronts Trump supporters at a California rally. Pulls a knife, burns a Trump sign, and assaults an 84-year-old.
  • Marquise Asomani of NC was arrested after opening fire on Trump supporters.
  • Andrew Ruder of SC was arrested for hitting and choking a Trump supporter at the Willard Hotel.
  • Primary day in NH, Patrick Bradley is arrested for slapping a 15-year-old Trump supporter, throwing a Trump sign, and trying to knock over the tent.
  • Gregory Timm, FL, was arrested for accelerating his van into a Trump campaign tent with 6 volunteers inside.
  • Kyren Perry-Jones and Cailyn Smith of Indiana were arrested for forcing two boys on bicycles off the road with their car. They had a Trump flag on their bike.  The driver asked if they were supporters, tore off the flag and drove over it.
  • Aiden Courtright, MA, was arrested for attacking an 82-year-old veteran holding a Trump sign.  Tears the sign in half, throws the victim down, and kicks him with pointed shoes.
  • Michael Reinoehl shot and killed Aaron Danielson, Trump supporter in Portland, and said “I’m Antifa 100% all the way”

Maybe the above assailants were enraged over de-regulation and low-taxes.  Then again, maybe they’re listening to the words of their leaders.  June 2018, Kirsten Gillibrand calls ICE a “cruel deportation force we need to abolish.”  Elizabeth Warren claimed ICE “treats refugees like terrorists”.  Most democrats jumped on board the Abolish ICE craze, then in 2019 Willem Var Spronsen shows up at a Tacoma ICE detention center armed with a rifle and incendiary devices (where on earth would he get such an idea).  He tried to ignite a propane tank after writing, “I regret that I will miss the rest of the revolution…. I am Antifa.” 

Obama called for an end to divisive politics in his last SOTU, I don’t think his team was listening.  They call for war, call us enemies, call for arson and violence, but Michelle says I’m the one voting for chaos?  And speaking of Depp’s assassination joke, a week after the Republican baseball game shooting, the New York theatre performed Julius Caesar.  A Trump look-alike was stabbed to death to the roaring applause of a Manhattan crowd.

To reiterate, this writing is addressing the fake outrage the left showed following the Capitol riot.  Clearly, to be lectured by a party that has fanned, and started, so many flames, is absurd.  I have a few more btw, from the “Love Trumps Hate” crowd:

“We first have to find ways to prevent a vote on Kennedy’s successor.”  Michael Moore calls for a million people to surround the Capitol

“I’m glad he got shot. I wish he (Scalise) was f***** dead” Phil Montag, Nebraska Party Chair (D)

“I’m at the point I’m ready to put police in f***** graves….. want to burn the f**** White House down……Take the fight to senators and Congress….” BLM leader, DC protest

“Burn Congress down before letting Trump try to appoint anyone to SCOTUS” Emmett Mcfarlane, Waterloo professor

“We need to start killing people….. the White House must die…. now it’s your f*** life is devoted to social change”   pre-school teacher, Seattle anti-Trump protest

“…. ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done…… They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard….. We have done this before. We can do this again” Loretta Lynch

“Let’s make sure we show up….. and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, department store, gas station…you create a crowd… you push back… you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere” Maxine Waters

“…no doubt about what is inspiring some of these shooters. They’ve become foot soldiers in a fascist movement” Martin Longman, Washington Monthly 2019

I could go on, but you get the point.  If liberals want to blame Trump for the capitol riots, then they can accept blame for endless destruction, arson, theft, murders, and torched cars.  You can’t have it both ways.  Six years of spewing hatred toward millions of people who maybe just wanted manufacturing jobs back (487,000 to be exact).  Surely a few of his 74 million voters weren’t racists, and only wanted lower poverty and higher incomes? (lowest poverty since 2001 and highest median income since 1999)

Then there’s the outcry regarding the cost of damages done to the Capitol building.  Once again, this is too easy:

  • 2 days of riots following Freddie Gray’s funeral, Baltimore losses were $26 million
  • Nearly 80 nights of Portland riots cost over $23 million
  • 1992 riots in LA cost $1.4 billion
  • Over $55 million in property damage and stealing (Minneapolis George Floyd riots)
  • Ferguson riots, $20 Million

Let’s flashback to 2011 when thousands of protestors stormed the Wisconsin state capitol in what Pelosi called an “impressive show of democracy in action.”  This month-long protest cost $7.5 million.  I guess if it’s a just cause, money is no object.  So let’s discuss what is and is not a just cause shall we?  Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s why violence is now just and ok:

“For a country that drops bombs on people….. to criticize us for vandalism is preposterous. Because the White Supremacists who built this country never earned anything peacefully…. They did it through bullets and blood, and that’s the American way….. peaceful protests are a tool of white supremacy”  Hank Newsome, BLM leader NY

“Perhaps this is some sort of mechanism for a restructure in our country…. indicative of those with no other option and nothing left to lose” Don Lemon of CNN

“Marginalized communities have no choice but to riot” AOC 

“Where does it say that protestors are supposed to be polite and peaceful?” CNN’s Chris Cuomo

Situational ethics, obviously.  Rioters jump a gate across from the White House and catch St. John’s Church on fire, 50 secret service members are injured, and that’s OK.  Portland rioters catch a police precinct on fire and blockade the exit, and that’s OK.  The Weather Underground’s bombing campaign of federal buildings in the 70’s to protest war was OK.  My friends, if you’re gonna allow violence in the name of principle, then both sides are justified.  And does it really matter if nobody died when it probably just came down to luck? 

Something else, does the violence need to occur directly after someone hears the “dog whistle”?  Or is it possible to cultivate anger and hatred after hearing attacks for years?  Kill cops, white supremacists, ICE terrorists, racists, fascists and an unjust economy, could it work on a person after time?  Connor Betts goes off in the Oregon District, an Elizabeth Warren supporter who yes, of course, also wants a revolution.  Another ICE-hating, Antifa-loving “foot soldier”.  I didn’t research it, but I doubt CNN reported those details or that anyone lost their Twitter account.

I’ll give Hillary credit, she only called half of Trump supporters deplorable.  These people have placed targets on our back, when maybe all we wanted was $1.75 gas and 3.5% unemployment.  So the same party that called us filthy, vile names is now wanting unity?  Five years of attacks, from people who don’t know us, and now Biden wants healing?  The Daily Mail called Melania Trump a prostitute, yeah, the party that champion’s women’s rights.  Bette Midler, another supporter of women and immigrants, called Melania an illegal who can’t speak English.  Can you imagine her saying this about Mexicans crossing the border?  Me neither.  My friend’s parents had a Trump sign in their yard, nicest people I ever met. I don’t have the heart to tell her they’re white supremacists.   

Ahh, but you say, you can’t compare rioting over real events to a riot over unproven election fraud right?  I anticipated that one.  Case and point, Ferguson.   Three months of riots and Benghazi-like images over something that never happened.  Two cops were shot (shooter got 25 years) and a movement was born from lies.  Turns out Brown was reaching into the car for the cop’s gun, and the witnesses all lied.  Obama’s DOJ determined Wilson did nothing wrong, and Brown wasn’t surrendering.  But the facts be damned, the signs were already painted, and Hands-Up Don’t Shoot sounded kinda catchy.

Exhibit B: the Mueller probe, from the same crowd that hates wasted money and lies.  If Mueller couldn’t find squat with $25 million and 13 democrat lawyers, you know Trump was innocent.  No matter, the headlines were all they wanted.  The FISA warrant to spy on Trump was declared to be full of errors, and McCabe, Rosenstein and 3 other officials testified they shouldn’t have signed it.  Rosenstein also admitted that in 2017 “there was no there there”.  Once again, the facts be damned, and “collusion” also sounded kinda catchy.

Maybe all that’s needed here is a better understanding.  Since this is war, leaders from both sides should agree on rules.  That way nobody is outraged over the other’s conduct.  There would have to be neutral parties though, like football officials.  A clean, fair fight is what we need.  There’s just one problem.  I’ve been watching politics for 25 years now, and both teams always claim victory.  The free-world hangs in the balance every two years, which is the most important election of your life.  Then a few things change, and a few things stay the same.  Some things get better, some things get worse.  There’s no clear winner, because there’s no clear way to keep score.  Friends and family members part ways because the other one’s wrong.  Truth is, neither is totally right or wrong, it’s just that there is no worldly fix for what ails us.  We have watched good-intentioned people screw things up royally for centuries, but the next election we’ll finally get it right.  When you finally see this for what it is, you’re gonna sleep better. 

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