Versailles FFA selects Member of the Month

At the February FFA Meeting, Delaynee Bulcher was selected as the Versailles FFA Member of the Month.

Delaynee is a sophomore and three-year member of Versailles FFA. She attends monthly meetings and has participated in Fruit Sales, Banquet, Darke County Fair showing animals and exhibiting shop and crop, Farm Day, State Convention, Omelet Breakfast, Toy Drive, EMT Firefighter Safety Training, Ag is Cool Tent, and much more. Her SAE consists of caring for her dairy goats and gardening. Delaynee participates in general livestock judging CDE.

Delaynee was awarded a t-shirt and certificate for being named member of the month.

Congratulations Delaynee!

Photo courtesy of Versailles FFA

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