Joe’s Corner – Week in Review : 9-18 to 9-24-22 (more or less)

by Joe Facinoli |

QE II Passing: Beloved and beyond highly respected, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who passed on from this life two weeks ago, WAS England, and WAS the United Kingdom, as well as being rightfully renowned throughout all her dominions and territories.

She outlasted, in more ways than one, a long line of much more political Prime Ministers, most of whom were average at best. Except for her very first one, who was also her mentor, Sir Winston Churchill.

She was like the empire’s young Daughter, when she ascended the throne in 1952, and then slowly became it’s Mother, as the years and her many successful dealings with the routine conflicts, skirmishes, and battles came and went, and eventually moved perfectly into the role of the Grandmotherly monarch, whom all of Great Britain, and its former empire, as well as most of the world, were completely comfortable with, while following and adoring her every move.

Even those who are anti-monarchists admired this Queen, this leader, as a woman and as a person.

Churchill was the last Briton to be afforded a full State Funeral, in 1965. And these two giants of the realm bookended what the once great empire became, in this now modern, and very different world.

There will never be another Elizabeth. Not possible today.

King Charles III: Least of all little Charlie, the long waiting heir. While enduring, and not very well, 73 years of irritated patience and the belief that his mother would actually go away one day, and leave him with all perks and privileges of being the one true Monarch.

Charles is no better than a terribly spoiled little brat, who even his father didn’t really like, and whose mother merely put up with, through all his whimperings and whinings, about what he should, and didn’t want to do, for his benevolent Mommy . She knew that all she could do was hope for the best, once she was gone.

–The “Big Guy”: Joey B. was late to the Queen’s funeral (might not have been his fault, but he probably had something to do with it, doncha think?).

It wasn’t disclosed as to why, but we can imagine several scenarios where the Prez held up the rest of his gang, who were trying to honor the Great Lady with his, and our presence.

Face down in his breakfast oatmeal, or another mishap involving the inside of his pants, easily come to mind.

But he did get to sit next to the leaders of Austria and Switzerland (a lot of important international stuff goes on with those guys), in the 14th row, instead of the front row, where the President of the United States always belongs. The Brits don’t mess around with pomp and circumstance, and royal traditions. Nor should they, especially in this situation.

“ ‘Joey B.’, you can’t be on time?” “ Then get to the back of the room and shut up.”

One can almost hear the Archbishop of Canterbury, or some other such regal nobleman, laying into our President like that, and making our country look foolish for the 900th time since Joey B. was allowed to be the boss of us all.

But give him credit, Joey made the most of his time back there, in the 14th row. Played with his tongue for a couple minutes (I actually saw the video), then spent the rest of the time trying to figure out where he was, and who or what was laying under that big gold and shiny blanket, and why everyone seemed to be paying so much attention to it, and just how he was going get out of there.

The only thing that shined more than that blanket, was the example that Joey B. set for all the world to see. Not.

–The Donald: DJT was indicted again this week, did you even notice? Once again, for nothing criminal, and with not even any crimes being involved (sound familiar?).

I’ll have more on this later, but the Attorney General of New York has obviously never been a business person, nor owned one.

She’s very upset that Trump and his company borrowed money from banks, etc, used it to create thousands of jobs while building hotels, resorts, office facilities, and retail and housing, and on and on, eventually creating many more thousands of jobs of a very permanent nature.

Then, the A.G. really got hot and bothered when she found out that the Trump organization actually made (here it comes, …wait for it) …an actual PROFIT!!! While doing this work.

And how did he pay back those loans, probably illegal anyway, according to her very clear thinking, if in fact he did make that God forsaken Profit???? Can’t do both, …can you??

For her, and all of her friends in the Dem Cabal, it is just not possible for a Trump, especially Donald J., to borrow money, do a lot of work with it, then pay it back, all while making a filthy profit, without stepping in some deep do-do, somewhere, somehow. Ya know what I mean?

So nothing else to do, except indict him and bring him to trial in Federal court, …right?? The old “guilty ‘til proven innocent” ploy, that they all pull out for Trump. And the media always quickly complies.

Good luck with that one, hon. Do you think you’ll have better luck convicting him than the U.S House of Representatives did?? Twice??

By the way, there weren’t any crimes involved in those two miscarriages of justice, either. Just sayin’

–Zuckie: Hasn’t been a good year for Facebook, Meta (whatever that new name means), and someone with the initials M. and Z. Seems he (they) lost $71 Billion of their (his) fortune in the past 11 months. Down from $126 Billion last November, and a 3rd place ranking among the world’s wealthiest of the wealthy, to “just” $55 Billion and a “lowly” #20 ranking.

All due to changes in the new base company (Meta?), and how they will conduct business in the future, or so says Zuckie hisownself. Also says all will be good and back to normal, in the next two or three years.

Now I’m not an economic genius, but if anyone else lost nearly 60% of their gross earnings, and tried to tell everyone that everything will be just fine in a couple years, and not to worry, and it’s just business as usual, they would sound like someone going in to buy a new car, with no money, no credit, and holes in their shoes.

Good Luck to you as well, Mr. Facebook (I heard he doesn’t even like that name any more. Might be why I used it here.), you are going to need it. Especially as arrogantly and foolishly as he treats his customers.

No other company, nor organization anywhere, has more of its clients, users, and participants who absolutely hate that company, than Zuckie’s group of condescending abusers. As soon as there is an alternative, then …Buh, Bye! And that has already started.

–Lots more we can talk about: But it will have to wait ‘til later. Much more time and space here, to share thoughts and opinions, so I’ll see y’all real soon!!

© Copyright Joe Facinoli, 9-24-2022

Intelligent Response Encouraged (but be civil with it)

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